Questions and Answers
How does membership work?
Memberships are based on a calendar year. Families can join at any time during the year, but all memberships will expire in December unless renewed for the following year. To see current membership options and pricing, click here.
How many toys can I borrow?
Bring the kids along to choose up to six toys to take home for up to three weeks. Toys can be renewed for a further three weeks by logging onto your SETLS account (toys can be renewed once only). For health and safety reasons, toys must be thoroughly cleaned before returning as well as at the cleaning station upon returning.
Do I have to volunteer?
Our Toy Library is entirely run by volunteers and we’re so thankful for all who support us by volunteering their time and skills.
Roster memberships are very affordable and in exchange Roster Members are required to volunteer for approximately 2.5 hours once per term on either a Tuesday or Saturday morning from 9:30-11:45am or a Wednesday afternoon from 3:00-5:15pm. New members will receive a link to our Volunteer Training Videos prior to volunteering. Our library management system is easy to learn, and children are very welcome to play while their parents volunteer.
We understand that situations sometimes arise which prevent Members from being able to carry out their shift. If this happens, please use the Members Facebook Group to arrange a swap and if really stuck contact us for help. As a last resort, we can also negotiate an additional fee being paid in lieu of completing a volunteer shift.
Roster Plus Memberships are the best way to support our community by volunteering. We ask these members to assist with one “Behind-the-Scenes” Task per year. Find out more about each Behind-the-Scenes tasks here.
What if my toys are returned late, broken, or with missing pieces?
Late toys that haven't been renewed attract a fine of $5 per week. If toys are returned with missing pieces, we will review the situation and assess whether the toy can still be used as-is or whether the piece must be replaced. For small missing pieces that aren’t essential to the toy, a fee of $5 will apply. If the committee deems the missing piece essential, we will discuss replacement options with you and decide whether a financial contribution will be required.
What else happens at the Toy Library?
Part of the fun of being a Toy Library Member is being able to connect with our great community of families. As well as borrowing toys on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, we also aim to host special events and play dates throughout the year to socialise and meet new friends. Keep an eye on our Facebook and Instagram Feed for information about upcoming events.
Fundraisers play a very important role in the life of our Toy Library. The majority of membership fees cover running costs only, so in order to purchase new toys we rely heavily on fundraising and grants. We strongly encourage our members to get involved in fundraising efforts, either by volunteering their time, making donations (raffle prizes, food contributions, etc) or raising awareness of our fundraising events. We are also very thankful to our local and corporate donors who supply much needed grants to assist us in purchasing new toys.
What are “Behind-the-Scenes Tasks”?
In order to maintain our toys and facilities, ALL members are asked to volunteer for approximately 2 hours once per year for a Behind-the-Scenes Task.
These can include any one of the following:
Regular, organised Toy Maintenance sessions - tasks usually include counting, checking and cleaning toys from a section of the library. It’s a great way to get to know our catalogue.
Special maintenance sessions - these occur when we have a special event or renovations and building work and can include relocating toys, gardening, painting, etc
A 2-hour deep clean inside the Toy Library - clean floors, kitchen, bathroom, dusting etc. This can be completed on a day and time of your choice
A 2-hour yard tidy - mowing, edging, weeding, gutters etc. This can be completed on a day and time of your choice.
Members can sign up for most of these via the SETLS calendar or via email for special events. We really appreciate the time and skills provided by our members and find that many members enjoy the opportunity to learn more about the Toy Library through these activities.
Do you take donations?
Do you have quality toys that your children have outgrown? We can give them a second life! We welcome any donations of toys in good condition. If they don’t suit our needs, we will gladly pass them onto another organisation who can make use of them. Please contact us if you would like to make a donation.
Where does the money go?
We want to be open and honest about where your money goes when you sign up as a member or assist us in our fundraising efforts. You can see more information about our budget and spending here.
We have considerable running costs that need to be met each year before we can consider purchasing new toys. Our budget allows for $10 per member to be set aside for toy purchases. All other toy purchasing is funded solely by grants and fundraising efforts.
How do I join?
Option 1 - Sign up online and deposit your membership fees via bank transfer. Please bring your Driver’s License on your first visit as it needs to be sighted the first time you borrow.
Account Name: Geraldton Community Toy Library Inc.
BSB: 633-000
Account Number: 185103439
Option 2 - Download a membership form and bring it to us at the Toy Library during opening hours. (Please remember to bring your Driver’s License). Payment can be made by cash, bank transfer or pay wave.